Sunday, April 19, 2009

Hello blog. (:

I haven't written in a while.

I am currently sitting on my bed watching Life With Derek and talking to the amazing person I share this blog with.

Am I the only one who thinks that the Diet Lipton Green Tea is amazing? I swear I have like three or more bottles a day. Haha.

Hm. I'm praying I don't have piano later today. I want to go to the American Apparel store wiff my mumzy.

Gr. My nail polish is all chipped. I must paint them again.

My room is somewhat clean! Wooo! Go me!

I've been working on a PowerPoint with our friend Aimi. Its going GREAT! I forgot how to work PowerPoint and started messing around and taught myself how to use it in like five minutes. Woo! By the way, its a PowerPoint on the band Hey Monday. You should check them out. (:

I'm outie.

xoxo Monica. <3


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