Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hello again. . . & again. :)

I felt like blogging. I think I'll make about 4072046702 posts tonight. Approximately.  <- Haha. Thank god for spell check. . . 

Dude. I hate time change. Hate it! Around the same time I get home from school, well that's about the same time everyone in L.A. goes to bed. D:< class="Apple-style-span" style="font-weight: bold;">two days! That's like ten yea
rs for us. :) Hmm. What was I gonna say? I remembered but Elliot came in wiff hot chocolate. UHRG. It's gone.

AH! I remember. The picture I posted earlier, check her out. She's really good. And she seems kinda cool. :) 

AH! I remember what else I was gonna say!!! Oh no it's gone. AH! Haha. My brain ain't working. Living Proof acoustic. You all need it. Seriously. :) I'll give it to you. Hmm. Can you attach sound on this thing?

I could but I think I'd be breaking the law. Darn. Haha. 

Mkayy. That's all I had to say. Not much. ;) 

NO IT'S NOT! Man, all my ideas are just coming up at once. I want a fluffy kitty. My kitties are nice but I want a super fluffy kitty. My kitty:

Oh! Green tea. That's what I want right now. Haha. My thoughts are moving at 100 miles per hour. 

Ohkay. Long post much? Hmmm. Kayys. I'm out. 



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