Thursday, May 07, 2009

Greetings everyone. (:

Dearest Lucy: I wouldn't mind if you got the same shirt as me! That way, when you come here, we can take photos. CLUBKID photos. :D

So, I haven't been very good at updating this. Haha. I try to remember to post everyday, and I end up forgetting. I fail.

Right now, I'm waiting for all my videos from last night to upload to YouTube. I swear YouTube hates me though. My videos take ages to upload and it gets me really mad.

The Jonas Brothers had a live chat tonight! (: I recorded the whole thing. Haha. It was really funny. They were taking calls from their SayNow, and I tried calling so many times, but I didn't get through. :'/ Oh well.

So, California has been struck with a giant heat wave thing. It's SO hot here! Oyy. And windy. I hate hate hate the wind. It messes up your hair and it gets stuff in your eyes and stuff. Haha.

I'm going to mention this again just because I really want them to make it big . . .

Kayyz. I'll update laturr. Hopefully I remember. Haha.

xoxo Monica. <3


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